Project Id:



174 11th Street Southwest



Services Needed

This elderly couples home was flooded and they have been blessed with the help to restore their home but they are still in need. Their bedroom wall is in need of sheetrock after being stripped from the flood damage. They don't have central AC but wall units and because not having a wall the rooms temperature get's too cold and they sleep in a different room on their sofa and recliner. All they need is the installation of sheetrock of their bedroom wall with a AC wall unit. The work for this project is the install sheetrock to the lower half of their bedroom wall, paint the wall with white paint, sweep and mop the floor. Estimated 3 volunteers can complete in 4 hours.

Materials Needed

Sheetrock, exacto knife, screws, power drill,

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Being Evaluated by:
David Hollingsworth
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